What is Github ??

What is Github ??

Learn what is Git & Github in easy and simple way....

Hey, you still doesn't know what is Git & Github, then you are at right place to know about them in easy and simple way...

So let's start learning about it


Before talking about what is Github, let's talk about what is Git because it will help you to learn about Github

1. What is Git ??

In simple words, Git is like Save button of a keyboard where Save button on pressing saves your work and in the same way, Git also saves your work but through commands which we have to write on terminal

But why to use Git if we have Save button ??


Suppose, you saved the file which you are working on and then closed it. Now you again open the same file and you want to know the difference of last two changes you have done, so you can't able to know about it because Save button does not store your save history.

But if we use Git, saved history is automatically store and we can know easily, what changes we have done stages by stages.

Keeping the track of changes in file is called Version Control


Other than version control, it also provides lots of features like:

  • code sharing
  • speed & data integrity
  • support for distributed, non-linear workflows
  • helps in coordinating work among programmers
  • manage source code history

So what is Git??

Git is a software, command-line tool and a version control system build to manage source code history

2. What is Github ??

Now, we know what is Git, let's talk about Github

Github is like your cloud storage where you can store your work so that you can access that if your local system fails. It is like google drive where you can upload your work so that you can have copy of that work if somehow that is deleted from your local system.


so what is Github ??

Github is a graphical user interface which provides hosting service for your work

There are other hosting service other than Github like Gitlab, Bitbucket etc.

3. What is connection betwen Git and Github ??


Git act as medium between Github and your local system

Git saves your work, acts as version control for your work and also helps in pushing/uploading it on Github and this is also done through your terminal


4. What is difference between Git and Github ??


  • Git is a software whereas Github is a service
  • once installed Git, it can be run without internet but Github is a remote service, so it can run through internet only
  • Git needs to install in your system but Github does not need to
  • Git provides version control whereas Github provides storage

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